R e s i d e n t i a l   a n d  C o m m e r c i a l   A r c h i t e c t u r e
Welcome to

My office is located in the
Ravenna Neighborhood of
Seattle where I specialize
in Single Family Residential, Multi-Family, and
Neighborhood Commercial

I strongly believe that great
projects are the result of a
collaborative effort between
the architect, the owner and
the contractor.

Jim Rymsza, architect
My office is located in the Ravenna Neighborhood of
Seattle where I specialize in Single Family Residential, Multi-Family, and Neighborhood Commercial Architecture.

I strongly believe that great projects are the result of a
collaborative effort between the architect, the owner and
the contractor.

Jim Rymsza, architect

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j A R C H I T E C T S            6 8 2 3  3 0 t h  A v e n u e  N E            S e a t t l e ,  W A           9 8 1 1 5            2 0 6 . 5 2 6 . 0 7 0 7  ( o )              2 0 6 . 7 7 8 . 4 1 8 2  ( c )