R e s i d e n t i a l   a n d  C o m m e r c i a l   A r c h i t e c t u r e
Some Interesting Links:
Backyard Cottage Blog:  Nice site for ADU's DADU's and Cottages:  https://seattlebackyardcottage.blogspot.com/p/projects.html

Residential Architect: Nice online 'zine for..., well, residential architects:    http://www.residentialarchitect.com/

Katherine Salant Webpage: Nice webpage that contains many interesting articles for those looking to build their dream home:  http://www.katherinesalant.com/

Rethinking the Future:  20 Greatest Architects:  https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/article/20-greatest-architects-in-the-world/

City of Seattle Department of Planning and Development:  For all your Seattle Planning and Permitting needs:

King County DDES:  Good starting point for permitting projects in King County: 

Sarah Susanka:  Author of The Not so Big House and other great, inspirational home publications:

FineHomebuilding Magazine:  In my view, the best home publication there is...shows you how to do stuff:

Houzz:  Cool website featuring some outstanding residential architecture:

Dwell Magazine:  My favorite 'zine for all thing Mid-Century and Modern:  https://www.dwell.com/

Other Stuff:

MossyBack Morris Men: Everything you need to know about Seattle's pre-eminent Morris Team:

Mandolin Cafe:  Everything you need to know about my favorite Bluegrass/Swing instrument:

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